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Day Plans

Day Plan options


You have a set of options for the whole Day Plan, which can be really handy.


Tap the right upper corner to open Day Plan options.


​Mute notifications: Mute all notifications completely or only the sound for a certain time period.


Clear list: To empty the whole Day Plan for a certain day, select Clear list.


Select all: Fast way to select all undone, all done or simply all tasks.


Add periodic tasks: Add reoccurring everyday tasks to your Day Plan.
A list of the tasks, you had assigned to be periodic in the default settings of each task, will pop up for you to choose from them.


Fix all durations: You have a strict day ahead of you and all events are very much fixed? This might be a way to fix your plan so you won’t accidentally change something in it.


Unfix all durations: You have fixed tasks all over your plan, but you want to make some changes in the durations? Unfixing all task durations in the current Day Plan might be a solution for you.

Be here, now

Try to integrate present moment techniques in your daily life, in addition to taking care of your basic needs. If meditation seems too hard, consider trying mindfulness, which in its essence can be trained simply by stopping multitasking. Multitasking is a myth anyway – our brain is not equipped to execute two tasks that both require active thinking at the same time.


Eg. when you are talking to someone, listen, talk, but try not to use you phone at the same time. If you need to be somewhere in 10 minutes, put an alarm or ask to resume the conversation in a later moment. Otherwise you are just overloading your brains capacities trying to concentrate on both tasks and end up either failing to be fully conscious about the conversation or miss that appointment because you got so deep in the conversation. The person you were talking to will appreciate your undivided attention, too.


Exercise these techniques for two weeks regularly and you will notice a difference!

Make the app your compassionate friend


If you are like me, you have been chronically overloading your days with tasks for as long as you have had the power to choose for yourself. Those unrealistic plans lead to constant disappointments about not being able to measure up to the expectations.


It’s all about the balance


If you have problems in this specific area of life, you should know you are not alone. These problems occur even temporarily, when under a lot of stress or suffering of depression, for example. Try to not compare yourself to those who seem to manage their life so elegantly. Not all brains are equally equipped with resources and experiences needed for a realistic time and effort estimation and a successful task execution.


You can learn and improve life managing skills, but the secret formula is to not overdo it. Using up all your precious resources, because you should be able to do all this, even though in this moment you cannot, is the worst way to approach the problem.


We learn most effectively when we have been taking good care of ourselves. Being tired and still pushing it, will just make your brain foggy. You won’t be able to process the things you are learning.

When struggling with these issues, the best way to help yourself is to be kind to yourself. Be compassionate, just as you would be to a loved one telling you about their problems.

Learn from your plan

Use the app in order to know how to optimize it


Start small, just using the Day Plans. Let the app help you learn to plan, organize and track your day better so you can live up to your potential without getting overwhelmed!


Learn about your behavior


Under your Day Plan there are two tabs: the Stats, statistisc for that day, and Done tasks.


You can modify the Done Tasks just as if they were undone.


You can also specify what kind of statistics you would like to see.


Learn more about Statistics in here.

Copy a day plan to build another


An easy way to start using the app is to go to the clean, unplanned, Day Plan and using the 'Copy another day'-function from the options under the inspirational quote.

Give yourself time

Doing less is often more

You get worried sometimes about giving yourself too much slack?


Maybe you are tired, had an emotionally exhausting conversation with someone or it’s just not your day. If you are convinced you can and have to still do something, make sure to do one or both of the following.

1.    Something fast, urgent and unpleasant, like filling out an application and sending it. Chances are it’ll give you a sense of relief when you get that task out of your system and improve your morale.

2.    If it is not the afternoon, you may take on another short task, maybe studying, but only for an hour. Then stop for the day and plan out free-time. Your glass was not full in the morning, but if you do not relax today, it certainly won’t be fuller tomorrow.


It's like driving on icy roads; in special conditions you want to drive slower and make sure to keep an exceptionally long safe distance to the car in front of you.

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